When I started collecting hippos, I thought I would and could easily remember who gave me the hippo, or where I found it. Forgetting such important things seemed out of the question.... silly me. I don't know what happened. Maybe I thought the hippo-mania would not last that long, or my brains would work better. The result after many years? I own several hippos of which I haven't the faintest clue, how I got them. One of the reasons I started this blog was to write down the stories I still do remember... building an archive, better late than never, they say. When exactly I got this one, I forgot, but what I do remember is that my aunty Anneke (see post: The first), brought it from Austria for me. She found this hand made, little bit crooked looking hippo at a local market. She was going to revisit all the places, she had been with her late husband. To revive memories of their time together. She loved Austria (especially Carinthia) very much. Unfortunately, she became very ill during that trip. I felt so sorry for her, not being able to enjoy that special journey to the fullest. When she gave it to me, she complained about how difficult it was to find hippos, but that she was happy she found one.... For me, this was so typical for my aunty... being ill herself, but still thinking about other people. She passed away on Christmas Day, 2005. I still miss her very, very much.
This blog is for all hippo-lovers. Here you can read everything about items of my collection, bits of hippo-happiness shared by friends and anything else to do with hippos. Just for fun. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Donna & Reno
Brother and sister, living in the Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta, Indonesia. The eldest son and daughter of Dania (see post: Mustache Mummy). I made this photo during the same photo shoot, in July 2010. They are the first hippos I touched in my life. While they were eating grass and all sorts of fruit and vegetables, I could touch their ears and stroke their noses. I was very surprised about how "tough" they felt. I expected them to be much softer, somehow. All this while my ears almost fell off, because of the noise they made... munching away! Reno (photo - right), is about 9 years old. Always the first to come out of the water and open his mouth... begging for snacks. You can easily recognize him, because of his scars. His father (Jacky) attacked him, when he was small. Donna (photo - left), about 7 years at that time, is a bit shy but like her brother, very sweet. The hippo-enclosure in the Zoo is very large and nice. It is divided in 3 parts. The biggest part is occupied by Daddy Jacky. Every time I visited, Jacky was hiding under water. Only at feeding time, he comes out. He likes to climb up the fence and chew on the iron bars. It is very funny to hear the keeper (Mr. Budi) shout every time: No Jacky! No Jacky! Go down! Jacky does not really listen... but then, how do you train a hippo?? The second part has an outdoor area and an indoor area with pool and garden-hose-shower! This is where Mummy Dania and her youngest son Semar are staying. The third part has a large pool, where Donna and Reno live and play together. I miss them all very much. How can you not love hippos when you see these sweeties?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Hippopotamus Grill Restaurant
I wondered whether it would matter at all, what kind of food or what quality of food they serve, if the restaurant is called "Hippopotamus Grill Restaurant" and you are a hippo-lover? Luckily, I never had to worry about that, as the food in this restaurant chain is always good. When I visited Paris, tradition dictated to eat at least once at Hippopotamus. These cool hippo-themed restaurants have not only everything with hippos on it.... they also sell all kind of hippo-stuff. No need to feel guilty if you feel the urge to smuggle the plates and bowls with hippos on it out of the restaurant in your handbag! They have small inhouse shops... for fans like me! For many years, I have not been in Paris. Only the few bowls I have reminded me of the restaurant.... until I read in the newspaper they opened a restaurant here in Thailand! I was so excited. The following weekend we all went to this newly opened shopping mall..... to find the restaurant to be... NOT open, yet! What??????? I was soooo disappointed. When we stood there, 2 people came out of the restaurant. I inmediately ambushed them. How come the restaurant is not open yet? When will it open?.... I demanded an explanation!! The marketing manager, and the manager of the restaurants in France, from Paris, were kind enough to tell me they experienced some construction problems. They would open in a few days. A few weeks later we came again, but the restaurant was still not open. And nobody to ambush either....... I began to think it would never open.... but three's a charm, and the third time we were lucky, and we could enjoy a very nice lunch. They plan to sell hippo-stuff as well, but things have not arrived yet... will have to wait. I will keep you all updated. If all goes well, they will open more Hippo-restaurants soon. Dear Jo, the list: "reasons-why-I-am-jealous-of-you-living-in-Paris", is very long, but now I can at least scratch 1 item ;-).

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Antonia & Elmo
A few posts ago, I mentioned how special privately-owned-hippo-donations are to me. This time, I would like to introduce you all to: Antonia and Elmo. Beautifully carved hippos, made of soapstone and of course now, within the collection, in the company of a very select few. This story is also about how sad moments can unexpectedly turn into very memorable and nice moments. About one and a half years ago our family left Indonesia. After living there for three and a half years, there was a lot we had to leave behind, besides dear friends, on the more practical side also some furniture. At that time we sold a lot of things, and that is the reason Antonia came to our house. Somehow it feels strange, to welcome people in your house when it is all empty and in moving-boxes-everywhere-super-chaos. When she left she noticed the cabinet with all the hippos... ready to be packed. "Ah" she said, "you like hippos, I have a few hippos at home". At that time, I did not think much of it, partly because of a very distracted mind (so much to do, and so little time), and partly because I was just happy to know more people own hippos. Evening came, and suddenly the doorbell rang. A gift bag was delivered, and I found 2 hippos inside, nicely wrapped. I still remember that moment: all sweaty and tired of packing and in a bit of a sad mood because we were leaving soon. That gift was not only a privately-owned-hippo-donation, it also melted away the sad mood and all the moving-stress. It made me feel so happy! Dear Antonia, as you gave them to me; I named the large one after you. I hope your husband does not mind the fact that the smaller one is named after him, or better said: is named after his nickname. I hope our paths will cross again someday. Thank you again, not only for a great surprise but most of all for these very fond memories!
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