When I was photographing these ties, I had to think of an incident that happened a long time ago (pr-Google and pr-Wikipedia era). I received an invitation (by old fashioned mail, of course). Date, time and place all clear.... but then I read: Dress code: Tenue de Ville. At that time I had no idea what that was. My friends did not know, or gave different answers. Then I called my aunt, and she saved me! Now all the information about dress codes are a few clicks away. Black tie, white tie, morning dress, smart casual...it's all there. If there ever will be a dress code: Hippo Tie, my husband will be OK, as he has two silk hippo ties, both Christmas presents. Two years ago, I gave the one with the blue hippos (William) from the Metropolitan Museum of Art Gift Shop (Bangkok - Thailand). Last year's Christmas present was a black tie with comical hippos, hand made by Dino Romaro, from our dear friends Sheila and John (see post: Thank you note). The only thing left is finding a matching hippo-dress for me!