Believe the "Madagascar-Movies" and the Central Park Zoo in New York City would have a lion, giraffe, zebra and a hippo. Unfortunately they do not. They do have penguins... so who knows what a few of them are doing when the gates are closed? Of course, I am a bit disappointed about the fact that I can't visit Gloria, but it is a very nice Zoo. The perfect place to relax. While strolling around, you almost forget that you are in the middle of Manhattan. Just outside the main gate (close to ticket boots) you can find many artists making portraits. Also, a lot of vendors selling ice cream and hot dogs, and the "latest-must-bring-home-I-Love-NY-souvenirs". In between all of them, a man is selling hand carved animal figurines. How happy was I to see he had made a whole bloat of hippos. All made out of different colored stone. I asked him whether he would take any orders, for a custom carved (in my case, larger) hippo. He smiled and said: "No! My wife does not allow me to do that, because she knows how stressed I become. And she is right, it gives me way too much stress, to have it ready on time, and to the customer's satisfaction." He looked so guilty, poor guy. I quickly told him, that I was happy to give these four a new home. So, here is my insider's tip: when you have visited the Zoo, or happen to be in that area, look out for him. Animal lovers (and hippo-lovers in particular) will find something nice, for sure. No hippos at the Zoo... but very, very close by :-).
This blog is for all hippo-lovers. Here you can read everything about items of my collection, bits of hippo-happiness shared by friends and anything else to do with hippos. Just for fun. Enjoy!
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Say "Ahhhh"
Sometimes, people ask me "why do you like hippos?" And of course, I have all my answers ready: "because it looks like they are always smiling", "because they have wiggling and flapping ears", because they have cute whiskers", "because they have funny legs and feet" and "because their butts make me laugh". But once in a while, the person I am telling all this, is not buying it. Closing statement: "they are absolutely not cute, and extremely dangerous". Of course they mean: you are nuts! :-). I know they are very dangerous and I have to admit, some hippos I find are flat out scary looking. Like a few I have already written about (see posts: The Hippo has landed and Scary Hippo Part Two). I think this post could have been: Scary Hippo Part Three, because it is hard to see the cuteness in this, not very friendly looking, one. I almost did not buy it, because of its scary looks. I remember it took some time to convince myself it is very nice piece of art, but I forgot where I found this "beast". While posing for this picture, I imagine he is opening his mouth to say the "A".... the "A" of Art mind you... and (hopefully) not the "A" of Attack!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Hippo Blue
A few days ago, I was talking with a dear friend about a certain shade of blue. When I saw this photo in my files, it reminded me of that conversation. Within a few hundreds of a second, Google overwhelms you with millions of sites where you can find the names of every shade of blue imaginable. I knew: Baby Blue, Midnight Blue, Cobalt, Denim and Imperial Blue... I came across shades with names like: Blizzard Blue, Carolina Blue, Honolulu Blue, and Freedom Blue, just to name a few. Did you ever hear somebody describe a shade as: "darker than French Sky Blue but lighter than Italian Sky Blue"? And believe it or not, I even found a site, where you can design your own jeans, and you can choose: Heavy Hippo Blue. I have not figured out whether the "Heavy" is for the "New Age Heavy Ring Denim" or for the "Heavy Hippo", or for a "Heavy Blue". Anyway, please meet this sweet looking, ceramic, blue hippo figurine. I have no idea how it ended up in my collection, but simply love the two flowers he is holding under his arm... eh... leg... and his color. I am sure his shade of blue does have an official name... but to me: Hippo Blue sounds about right!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Hippo Dinner Bell
It never crossed my mind, I would need a dinner bell. Seeing a Hippo-Dinner-Bell changed that, completely. How can you live without one ;-)? Another first. And not "just" a first... a signed-by-the-artist-and-dated, first! I was roaming around the flea market, called Elephant's Trunk in Connecticut, last Sunday. Suddenly, I saw this odd looking object. I inspected it carefully, to make sure it was a hippo. The seller came up to me and said: "That's an original Todd Warner!" My silence and blank face already gave me away, so I told her "I am very sorry, but I am not familiar with that artist". She smiled, and told me this artist is still alive, and is making huge pieces, dinner bells too, but not as nice as this one. "Google him" she said. "You will find his work". So, when I came home, that is what I did. And I sent out a message to my fellow hippo-collector friends, who obviously know the artist. Now, to be very honest... the hippo is a bit odd looking, especially the butt, toes and crooked looking face, but never question the artistic interpretations of a famous artist. A hippo it is! Dinner, anyone?

Thursday, May 1, 2014
Hopewell's Belle
A few weeks ago, I posted about a great find at an Antique Center in Hopewell Junction (see post: Hopewell Junction's Four). The post ended with the remark that maybe those four would get company one day. I left my name and number, in case a hippo would find its way there. I did not expect to receive a phone call so quickly. "Hi, are you the hippo lady? We have a hippo bank, we will keep it for you. When you come, please tell whoever is there, it is in the back room, with a note that has your name on it." Now, I have a few hippo banks (see posts: Marius and Hippo Baby Bank), and a few I still have to blog about. What if I already have it? Or, not like it at all... It is about an hour drive away, so I was a little bit worried. My goodness, was I in for a surprise! The most beautiful, with stars decorated, brass hippo bank I could ever imagine, greeted me with the loveliest smile. I am sure I heard her say: "of course I am beautiful, and coming home with you... what were you thinking?"
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