Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another Hippo-Mug

Everybody who knows me, knows I need to have my coffee(s) in the morning.... The perfect way to start the day for me is reading the newspaper while sipping hot black coffee from a Hippo-Mug. A few years ago, I saw this mug in a department store in Jakarta, Indonesia. When I saw my favorite mug (see post: Mother of All Hippo-Mugs), I forgot to buy a spare one. Since then, whenever I see a Hippo-Mug, I always (if possible) buy two, one for daily use and one for my collection. As you can see, it has a fishing hippo on one side and two swimming ones on the other. I do not know what the designer of this mug was thinking... as hippos are vegetarian, and do not eat fish.... must be fishing for fun then? And the "upside-down" one, looks like he is imitating a duck.... but one can't be too critical or picky, as Hippo-Mugs are not easy to find, especially cute ones like this one!

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