Thursday, June 25, 2015

Asking the Universe

A few days ago, I watched the Commencement Address at the 2014 MUM graduation, by Jim Carrey, on Youtube (for those of you interested, please click this link: Jim Carrey). Two statements he made, stuck with me. The first one: "You can ask the universe for it!" When I wrote my post: Matryoshka (nesting doll) Hippos, I mentioned my mission: finding a set of happy looking and smiling hippos. I had now idea I would find exactly that, right on my doorstep, only a few weeks later. I am suspecting thought, that the Hippo-Happiness-Universe can work much faster, as it is not too busy with fulfilling party sized requests (as he jokingly stated himself) from Jim Carrey :-). The second statement was: "The effect you have on others, is the most valuable currency there is". It was the first thing I thought, when I opened my surprise packet.

Dearest Diane, you made me speechless. All I can say now is: thank you for your heartwarming kindness, your amazing friendship and the effect you have on my life. Nothing more I could ask any universe for...

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hippo Bag Charm

My vocabulary, describing anything related to fashion is limited... at best. If I had to name this item, I would probably have called it "decoration for your bag". Maybe, if I had been given a little more time, I would have come up with: accessory or embellishment, but that is as far as I can stretch it. For the sake of my blog, I did some research, and found out that the correct term is: Bag Charm. Of course, Google comes up with more than five million results, when looking for (hand)bag charms, not with that many hippo ones though. At the moment this bag charm is used as a lanyard, decorating the lock of my "Hippo-Cabinet", reminding me of my dear "always-on-the-lookout-for-hippos-friend" Divya, who gave this surprise present. To al fashion accessory designers out there: please design more Hippo Bag Charms, because there are not enough of those... and way too many bags (and cabinets for that matter), which would look so much nicer, decorated with a hippo!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sleeping Beauty

The previous post was about smiling hippos. I mentioned the fact that I love sleeping hippos best, because they look so relaxed and happy. I believe, dreaming about endless sweet potato fields, sticky mud and meandering rivers, helps a lot too. Over the years, a few sleeping hippos have made it to this blog (see posts: Inkognito, Bubbles and Nilpferd). Not too sure how I got this sleeping cutie. I think my dear friends Sheila and John were looking for a new home for her, last year. Along with her photo, I am introducing a new therapy, I will call it: Watch-Hippos-Sleep (WHS) Therapy. Not that I believe it will help cure clinically proven depressions, but it certainly helps as a little pick-me-up, for those feeling a bit down. In combination with some Color Therapy (Orange: energizing, warming and stimulates creativity), there is no better way, to start your day!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ultimate Smiles!

There are a few animals that seem to be smiling all the time, just because of the way they look (dolphins are very well known and liked for that feature). To me, hippopotamuses have the loveliest smiles of them all. As some of you know, my favorite thing about hippos are their flapping and turning ears (watch them, right after they have surfaced :-)), but the second best thing is definitely their smile, especially when they sleep. In this post, some  lovely examples of pure hippo happiness,  found on the internet. It is hard not to smile, when seeing these cute faces!
Let the stormy clouds chase - Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain - I've a smile on my face
 (Singing in the rain)
Little one, when you play -  Don't you mind what they say.
Let those eyes sparkle and shine -  Never a tear
Baby of mine
Now’s your moment  - Floating in a blue lagoon -  Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better - She don’t say a word - And she won’t say a word
Until you kiss the girl
(Little Mermaid)