A few days ago, I watched the Commencement Address at the 2014 MUM graduation, by Jim Carrey, on Youtube (for those of you interested, please click this link: Jim Carrey). Two statements he made, stuck with me. The first one: "You can ask the universe for it!" When I wrote my post: Matryoshka (nesting doll) Hippos, I mentioned my mission: finding a set of happy looking and smiling hippos. I had now idea I would find exactly that, right on my doorstep, only a few weeks later. I am suspecting thought, that the Hippo-Happiness-Universe can work much faster, as it is not too busy with fulfilling party sized requests (as he jokingly stated himself) from Jim Carrey :-). The second statement was: "The effect you have on others, is the most valuable currency there is". It was the first thing I thought, when I opened my surprise packet.
Dearest Diane, you made me speechless. All I can say now is: thank you for your heartwarming kindness, your amazing friendship and the effect you have on my life. Nothing more I could ask any universe for...
Dearest Diane, you made me speechless. All I can say now is: thank you for your heartwarming kindness, your amazing friendship and the effect you have on my life. Nothing more I could ask any universe for...