Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hippo Bag Charm

My vocabulary, describing anything related to fashion is limited... at best. If I had to name this item, I would probably have called it "decoration for your bag". Maybe, if I had been given a little more time, I would have come up with: accessory or embellishment, but that is as far as I can stretch it. For the sake of my blog, I did some research, and found out that the correct term is: Bag Charm. Of course, Google comes up with more than five million results, when looking for (hand)bag charms, not with that many hippo ones though. At the moment this bag charm is used as a lanyard, decorating the lock of my "Hippo-Cabinet", reminding me of my dear "always-on-the-lookout-for-hippos-friend" Divya, who gave this surprise present. To al fashion accessory designers out there: please design more Hippo Bag Charms, because there are not enough of those... and way too many bags (and cabinets for that matter), which would look so much nicer, decorated with a hippo!

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