Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sleeping Beauty

The previous post was about smiling hippos. I mentioned the fact that I love sleeping hippos best, because they look so relaxed and happy. I believe, dreaming about endless sweet potato fields, sticky mud and meandering rivers, helps a lot too. Over the years, a few sleeping hippos have made it to this blog (see posts: Inkognito, Bubbles and Nilpferd). Not too sure how I got this sleeping cutie. I think my dear friends Sheila and John were looking for a new home for her, last year. Along with her photo, I am introducing a new therapy, I will call it: Watch-Hippos-Sleep (WHS) Therapy. Not that I believe it will help cure clinically proven depressions, but it certainly helps as a little pick-me-up, for those feeling a bit down. In combination with some Color Therapy (Orange: energizing, warming and stimulates creativity), there is no better way, to start your day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That hippo looks so relaxed! As all hippos should be.!
