Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hide it in the Hippo!

To be honest, I do not hide anything in any of those drawers, but I know for children (it is a toy after all...) it would be a good place to put their "treasures". I saw it some years ago on display in the window of one of those China-Town-Whole-Sale shops. With: "one of those", I mean shops where you do not impress anybody with orders of less than five hundred pieces. I went inside to ask for the price. The first thing the sales woman told me: "Sorry, only have one!" I told her I was very happy with only one. I think she was happy to get rid of it, because she did not give me the: "you-are-a-bad-customer" look... only giving me the: "you-are-weird-I-feel-sorry-for-you" smile (same smile I sometimes get when I tell people I collect hippos :-)). I normally do not buy these kind of things for my collection. Most of the time I buy figurines made out of wood, bronze or stone. But sometimes, it is  nice to buy something "hippo-y" just for the fun of it. This "spontaneous" splurge costed me a little less than three US$. Sometimes, happiness comes with small and unexpected things or.... hidden in hippos!  

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